requirement n. 1.要求,需要。 2.要求物,必需品;需要量;必要条件,资格 (for)。 the detailed requirements 详细规格。 meet the requirements of the times 适应当时需要。 the first requirement 第一要件。
Disclosure requirements of publicly traded companies 上市公司的信息披露
Disclosure requirements standards for mandatory provident fund investment funds 强制性公积金投资基金资料披露的规定标准
Disclosure requirements standards for mandatory provident fund investment funds 强制性公积金投资基金资料披露的规定标准
For “ pure state - controlled enterprises ” there will be no disclosure requirement 对于“完全国有企业“ ,因此没有披露需求。
And in the information wars that accompany each new disclosure requirement , the public often loses 并且在资讯战争中,每一个新的开放资讯的要求,大众常常是输家。
Continue the efforts to improve the financial disclosure requirements for banks in line with international best practices 继续改良对银行公开财务资料的要求,冀能与国际最高标准看
Custodial arrangement default contributions : mechanism for recovery disclosure requirements in connection with employees option 职业退休计划的衔接安排-关于雇员选择权所需披露的资料
However , with the introduction of basel ii , the hkma recognises that this regime needs to be expanded to reflect the disclosure requirements recommended under pillar 3 为配合实施资本协定二,金管局认为有需要扩充上述的披露架构,以反映第三支柱建议的披露要求。
Countries on these lists were often barred from doing business with banks and other financial institutions in the rich world or made subject to much more onerous disclosure requirements 榜上有名的国家经常禁止与富国的银行和其他金融机构有生意往来,或者不得以被要求公布大量信息。
The primary purpose of the disclosure requirements is to encourage banks to demonstrate the robustness of their risk management systems and that all relevant risks have been identified and controlled 披露要求的主要目的是让银行证明本身已具备稳健的风险管理制度,并能够识别及管理各种风险。